
01 June 2011

Thank The Heavens Above.

I'm ALL done with final exams for my course. The past couple of months have been completely crazy and flown by, but at the same time it felt like it took a long time to reach this day. Regardless, my focus is now set on working on my dissertation, continuing to work on my running, and to have an amazing London summer. It'll be hard to beat a good old Michigan summer filled with beach days, boating, swimming in the lake, running with my dogs, and Tigers games; but I feel confident that my London summer will be one of the best yet. How can it not be? I'm in the best city and I have wonderful people around me. :)

Yesterday after our exam was finished at 1:00, we all headed to a pub near Liverpool Street and started an extremely long day of drinking that involved tequila shots, many bottles of wine, cider, and drinking games. Oy. It was tons of fun though -- everyone was in a great mood since we were all so relieved to be done.

On a less positive note (at least in the eyes of my poor parents who read this), I may or may not be becoming addicted to the amazing sleep that I am able to get after drinking inordinate amounts of alcohol. And by 'may or may not', I mean that I definitely am. I'll keep ya updated.

Next on my agenda is a meeting with my dissertation supervisor on Friday that I am entirely unprepared for. So, the next two days will be spent trying to come up with some meaningful things to present to him so that he hopefully doesn't think that I am a completely worthless tutee that isn't worthy of his time. Working on that...

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