
02 June 2011

It Has Been Brought To My Attention...

...that I did not sufficiently (publicly) wish my amazing sister a happy birthday on her special day a week ago.

Oops. As you know, I was super busy.

However, that is no excuse to treat my little sister.

Happy 10th birthday (or...70th?), Casey Lou! She's quite honestly the best dog a human could ever ask gentle, loyal, and she'll for sure throw down a couple large pizzas with you.

 And Casey, though I may not have been able to get around to posting your very own photo montage on your exact day of birth like I did for Zo, please remember that we've also never subjected you to this type of torture and embarrassment.


(And yes - that is an entire case of Lambrusco that your little eye spies. That's how my family do at Christmastime...or any other time for that matter.)

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